


去年11月的下雨天,我站在爱达荷州的Lapwai Creek银行,目睹了Coho Salmon与Nez Perce Tribe副主席Shannon Wheeler归来。该部落一直是恢复蛇河盆地鲑鱼的中心领导者 - 这些令人难以置信的鱼从太平洋游泳了数百英里,并爬上数千英尺的海拔,以达到产卵的地面。


The four lower Snake dams, built in the 1960’s and 1970’s, turned 140 miles of cool, free-flowing river into a series of slow-moving reservoirs, leading to lethally high water temperatures for salmon and steelhead, impeding migration of fish to and from the ocean and killing young fish attempting to pass through the dams to the ocean. The threat posed by the dams is exacerbated by climate change, which is warming up the Snake River and making conditions even more dire for salmon.


这就是为什么美国河流放大18luck新利官网了NEZ Perce部落,其他部落国家以及西北和国家的社区的呼吁,以拆除四个下蛇大坝并取代其服务。科学家估计,到2080年,蛇河盆地将为西海岸的鲑鱼和索特黑德提供剩余的三分之二,最冷的,最气候的溪流栖息地。恢复健康的自由流动的河流,并投资负担得起的公平清洁能源和农业解决方案,将使整个地区受益。



在密西西比河上,榜单上的第6条,污染和日益严重的洪水对低收入和颜色社区的影响不成比例。这就是为什么我们需要国会通过密西西比河的恢复和弹性倡议(MRRRI),这将投资于保护和修复数百万人依靠的河流。下9号首席执行官亚瑟·约翰逊(Arthur Johnson)ThWard Center for Sustainable Engagement and Development states, “MRRRI will work to address the longstanding environmental injustices faced by Black, Indigenous, Latinx, immigrant and other communities of color and low wealth by setting aside a portion of the program’s dedicated funding for these communities, like the Lower 9th Ward. We are bearing the brunt of climate change and MRRRI will help us be prepared.”


In the words of Daryl Vigil, water administrator for the Jicarilla Apache Nation, “The inclusion of Indigenous traditional values and knowledge is incredibly important … I think that’s something that we overlook in terms of the value of how thousands of years in the basin can bring to the current process. We have an opportunity to create a new paradigm of policy making of inclusive voices, where we jointly create a future together. What an opportunity for that to happen.”


